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Understanding Hydraulic Cylinder Failure: How to Identify and Prevent Issues in Equipment Applications

Understanding Hydraulic Cylinder Failure: How to Identify and Prevent Issues in Equipment Applications


Hydraulic cylinders are the backbone of various equipment applications such as forklifts, aerial lifts, and excavators. As critical components of these machines, they provide the necessary power for lifting, moving, and performing other essential tasks. However, hydraulic cylinders can fail due to various reasons, and it's crucial for operators and maintenance personnel to be aware of the warning signs. In this blog post, we will discuss the different ways a hydraulic cylinder may fail and what to watch out for to identify and prevent failure.

  1. Seal Leakage

Seal leakage is one of the most common reasons for hydraulic cylinder failure. The seals, usually made of rubber or other synthetic materials, help to maintain the pressure inside the cylinder. Over time, these seals can wear out or get damaged, resulting in fluid leakage. To identify seal leakage, watch for:

  • Fluid accumulation around the cylinder
  • Loss of pressure or force in the cylinder
  • Abnormal noise while operating the equipment

Preventive maintenance, such as regular seal inspections and replacements, can help to minimize the risk of seal leakage.

  1. Rod Corrosion

Corrosion of the cylinder rod can lead to surface pitting, scoring, and eventually, complete failure. Rod corrosion is typically caused by environmental factors, such as moisture, chemicals, and abrasive substances. To identify rod corrosion, look for:

  • Discoloration or pitting on the rod surface
  • Scratches or scoring marks
  • Rust formation

Preventing rod corrosion involves regular cleaning and lubrication, as well as using corrosion-resistant coatings and materials.

  1. Bent Rods

Bent rods can occur due to excessive loads, improper cylinder mounting, or misuse of the equipment. A bent rod can lead to excessive wear and tear on the seals and bearings, ultimately resulting in failure. To identify a bent rod, look for:

  • Difficulty in extending or retracting the cylinder
  • Uneven wear on seals and bearings
  • Visual deformation of the rod

To prevent rod bending, ensure proper equipment usage, and adhere to the recommended load limits and mounting guidelines.

  1. Internal Contamination

Contamination inside the hydraulic system can cause damage to the cylinder walls, piston, and seals, leading to failure. Contaminants, such as dirt, metal particles, and water, can enter the system through various means, including poor maintenance practices or damaged components. To identify internal contamination, watch for:

  • Discolored or cloudy hydraulic fluid
  • Unusual noise while operating the equipment
  • Abrasive wear on internal components

Preventing internal contamination involves regular fluid checks, filter replacements, and adhering to clean maintenance practices.

  1. Overheating

Excessive heat in the hydraulic system can cause the seals to degrade, the fluid to break down, and the components to expand, leading to cylinder failure. Overheating is often caused by high ambient temperatures, excessive system pressure, or inadequate cooling mechanisms. To identify overheating, watch for:

  • Abnormal temperature increase while operating the equipment
  • Burning smell or smoke
  • Damaged or degraded seals

To prevent overheating, ensure proper equipment operation, maintain adequate cooling systems, and use heat-resistant materials where necessary.


Understanding the different ways a hydraulic cylinder may fail is essential for operators and maintenance personnel working with equipment applications like forklifts, aerial lifts, and excavators. By being aware of the warning signs and taking preventive measures, you can minimize the risk of hydraulic cylinder failure and extend the life of your equipment. Regular inspections, proper maintenance practices, and adherence to equipment guidelines are crucial in preventing costly breakdowns and ensuring safe, efficient operation.

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